Saturday, March 14, 2009


Today we watched a video on the illicit trade problem that is affecting the world today. Whereas some types of it may seem more “harmless” than others, the video seemed to have the idea that you can’t draw that line when it comes to this type of illegal activity. Many people, weather they realize it or not, have probably been involved in some sort of illicit trade. Many times, it’s because it’s cheaper than the name brand product or easier to obtain. After watching the film, I am more aware of just how dangerous this sort of thing can be and just how widespread. I’ve never been the type to lend any credence to a deal that just seems “too good” or to pay any attention to those online advertisements for things like cheap meds, etc , etc. However, it seems like no matter how cautious I might be personally, it’s a little scary to know that the choice may not always be in my control. Like the case of the cough medicine in Panama. The medicine was distributed to the people by their government. People should be able to trust in something of that nature, given to them by the people who should know better, will be safe. But because all down the line, people accepted and transported the goods in “good faith”, many people lost their lives. Unfortunately, this seems future is pretty bleak as far as solving this problem. Illicit trade has been with us since trade itself, I’m sure, and as the film said, the only real way to solve this problem is to end it at the demand level, but there will always be a demand for something someone can get cheap and easy.

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